about Sanskar Vidya valley School

Gopal Lal Verma

Retired Assistant Adminstration Officer Head Office - RSRTC, jaipur

It is my privilege to welcome you to the Sanskar Vidhya Valley School , Jaipur We endeavor to create a learning environment in which all children will feel enabled and encouraged to become successful learners. A caring and challenging school culture will ensure that students grow into responsible and courageous members of our society. At the heart of our effort is the attempt to give the right values and “sanskar” to our children.

In our preschool program, your children will have daily, hands-on activities that develop academic skills while enhancing social skills and centers with a curriculum designed to prepare children for the next step in their learning. We believe in encouraging the children to use good manners, to be kind, to be respectful of one another, to be creative, to learn how to socialize with others, and to be interested in learning. Our school day is built around routine. During the day, the children explore academics (letters, sounds, and numbers, science found in nature, our community, art-based projects, and music) as well as social learning. The children also participate in weekly enrichment classes, which include music and movement, art, library and science, physical education, and drama.
Sanskar Vidhya Valley School's staff and parents partner closely to ensure the best preschool experience possible for each child. Communication between parents, teachers, and administration is ongoing.
We invite you to come see our school and meet our teachers at your convenience. I look forward to meeting you in personally! All the best,

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